A Community of Believers who Commit Ourselves to:
+ grow together as a believing community and help each other progress in our discovery of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Although we are a family diverse in age, ethnic background and language, when joined together we unite our voices in one prayer of praise and thanksgiving. The Eucharistic Liturgy is the summit and font of our faith and the enthusiasm with which we worship at liturgy will strengthen us to joyfully live and proclaim the Word of God in our everyday lives.
Community and Support
+ live as a church community, faithful to the teachings and traditions of the first Christians. Strengthened by the Sacraments, we strive to offer mutual love, support and fraternal care to one another as members of His Mystical Body.
+ seek an integral education which prepares us to proclaim the Good News of Christ and to translate it into action. We are called to transform ourselves and society through personal sanctification and social reform.
+ be disciples of Christ who are called to teach one another that God listens if only we reach out to Him. We struggle to pray constantly, not only in times of need. We endeavor always to welcome those who are new to us and seek out those who have strayed from us.